Emergency Paediatric First Aid

This course exceeds the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) & SureStart guidance which states a minimum of 6 contact hours.

We provide for each person with a First Aid guidance card & First Aid pouch which includes CPR mask and vinyl gloves.

Our training includes all children, baby manikins.

The Early Years Foundation Stage / SureStart First Aid Criteria:

  • Planning for first aid emergencies involving babies and children
  • Dealing with emergencies
  • Recovery position (open airway position)
  • Resuscitation on babies, children and adults
  • Defibrillation for adult and child
  • Shock
  • Bleeding
  • Choking
  • Burns and scalds
  • Fractures
  • Head, neck and back injuries
  • Poisoning
  • Foreign objects in eyes, ears and nose
  • Chronic medical conditions including: - epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, meningitis, croup and fainting
  • On successful completion of the course and assessment a three year certificate will be issued

Derwent Training Consultants Ltd is accredited by - FAIB 1142/92/130


Cost Per Person ex VAT: £70.00

On-Site Booking

This course can be run "On-Site". The price starts £512 (ex VAT) for a group of up to 10.
or £570 (ex VAT) for a group of up to 12.

Ratio of instructor to candidates is 1:12, we can train larger groups when required.

Contact us on 01332 986565 or use the button below to book your On-Site course today.

Available Courses